Colorado Proposition DD Results: Legalizing Sports Betting

Colorado Proposition DD results

Votes are still being counted for Colorado Proposition DD this morning and it is too close to call, but right now things looks positive for legal sports betting.

2:55 PM MST Final Update: Denver Post and NYT call it. Colorado voters have approved sports betting by a margin of 50.71% to 49.29%.

1:01 PM MST Update: Proposition DD is up by 1.2% with 87.5% of precincts reporting. There will not be an automatic recount if sports betting wins by greater than 0.5% margin. and have not yet officially called it, but we’re probably heading that direction. It looks increasingly likely Colorado will legalize sports betting.

12:09 PM MST Update: Proposition DD has increased its lead to about 17,000 votes with 81% of precincts reporting.

11:00 AM MST Update: Proposition DD still leads by about 13,000 votes. Denver Post reports Colorado Secretary of State says 180,000 ballots remain to be counted in metro area counties.

According to the , Colorado sports betting leads by about 13,000 votes with 64 of 64 counties reporting.

The current statewide total sits at:

  • Yes to Proposition DD: 684,739 (50.48%)
  • No to proposition DD: 671,598 (49.52%)
Colorado Prop DD

The Denver Post some of Colorado’s most populous counties are still counting votes as of this morning, which bodes well for the measure.

Among the counties with results still rolling in is Denver County. This also bodes well as Denver County has leaned heavily in favor of Colorado sports betting with the current tally favoring sports betting by 60,239 votes versus 36,290 votes.

Proposition DD will pass if it receives greater than 50% of the vote total. Under Colorado law, a mandatory recount will take place if the final count is separated by a 0.5% margin. Right now, the measure is ahead by about 1 point.

If Proposition DD passes, Colorado will legalize sports betting at land-based casinos in Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek. Each casino will also be able to launch online betting to accept wagers from customers across the state.

We will update this post as the final result becomes known. The measure is far from a done deal at this point, but the momentum is leaning slightly in favor of Proposition DD passing by a slim margin.

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